Thursday, November 15, 2007

So That Nobody Has To Go To School If They Don't Want To: Paraphrasing, Summarizing, Quoting

So That Nobody Has To Go To School If They Don't Want To

November 15, 2007
PARAPHRASING: People have a misconception about schools, they aren't somewhere to play, fool around, or socialize; just as well, they aren't in place as babysitters. Schools are in place so people can go there and learn. If obligatory education is taken away, then people that don't want to enjoy this priviledge can have the choice to stay away.
ORIGINAL: First, it would alert everyone that school is a serious place where one goes to learn. Schools are neither day-care centers nor indoor street corners. Young people who resist learning should stay away; indeed, an end to compulsory schooling would require them to stay away.
SUMMARY: Studies have shown that obligatory education is very inefficient and a complete waste of time. Obligatory education just holds back students that actually want to learn something, and allows troublemakers to ruin the learning experience for others. Parents are usually deceived into believing that their children are attending a well rounded education that will help in the future; however, this isn't the case. By cleaning the learning environment of malefactors, the credibility and the reputation of educational institutions will improve. Costs will go down and the financial benefits for the different communities that apply will sky rocket. By taking away obligatory education, public education will not be ruined, it will just be a new incentive for legislators to fund even better education. In other words, by taking away obligatory education a lot of new benefits will be gained.
QUOTING: As Roger Sipher said in his "compulsory education" article: " Schools should be for education," not for playing around.

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