Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Immortal Coil

The Selfish Gene
Pg. 20-35

November 13, 2007
8:24 P.M.
......What is the "immortal coil"? And is it really "immortal"? Dawkins argues that DNA, the immortal coil, never dies off, it is passed from generation to generation. Dawkins connects it to a coil, because in theory, a coil is never ending, and because the shape of a DNA is a "double helix." (Dawkins makes those two terms sound like the same thing.) However, he also says that each time DNA and genes are passed from generation to generation they are modified somewhat. In other words, you get half of your DNA from your mother and the other half from your father. However, these halves can always be variations as they are mixed with your other parent's half. In other words, it is not physically possible for some one to have your exact same DNA (unless you are an identical twin). And even if you have an identical twin, your children will not have the same DNA, as each sperm and egg have different genetic configurations. During the configuring of the sperm or the egg, some of your own personal genes will be lost of greatly modified, so in theory it DNA is not eternal. Your DNA isn't immortal: it dies when you die. I don't agree with the term he uses in order to describe DNA to the reader; it is very misleading. Our DNA does die eventually, so what does he mean when he calls it immortal?
......There must be a reason as to why Dawkins refers to the DNA as the "immortal coil". This is probably due to the fact that the idea of DNA is never going to die. Even if everyone has a different DNA and it dies when you die, the idea of DNA will always be present for humanity. It helps us (and always will) to trace historical events (illegitimate children, criminals, etc.), to solve daily crimes, and to identify us as separate human beings. Our DNA is our identity, and that is something that will never die because it lives in memories. DNA cannot be stolen, so even if they rob your social security, forge your signature, or falsify your fingerprints, you will be able to prove that you are innocent.

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