Monday, November 26, 2007

Nice Guys Finish First

The Selfish Gene
Pg. 202-222
.....I began reading Chapter 12, Nice Guys Finish Last, and quite honestly I didn't understand much of how Prisoner's Dilemna is really played. I didn't even understand the game relating to Tit for Tat. However, all I know is that most probable thing any human would do is chose whatever saves him from the consequences or punishment he/she will receive. Humans are a selfish species after all; we might appear to have altruistic moments and characteristics but when it comes to life or death, we are definitely selfish. What would you do if you had to choose whether to tell on someone or spend the next 10 years (a whole lifetime!) of your life in a 3X3 cell? I would definitely tell on the person and so would you and everyone you know! Even if there's only a chance that by risking someone else you can save yourself, you will still betray the person. The little piece of hope that "what if" brings, will always push you to tell on the person. I think this has something to do with Darwin's survival of the fittest.
......The fittest person is the one that is willing to do whatever it takes in order to insure their survival. They are the selfish ones because they are willing to risk and endanger anyone else as long as they are safe. If you just stand around trying to protect everyone, then you aren't watching after yourself and this could put your survival at risk. Therefore, in my opinion, the fittest are the selfish beings that want to ensure their survival above anyone else's.

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