Friday, November 30, 2007

Passive/Active Voice

Passive and Active Voice Exercises

1. Joanne was delayed when leaving the office by a client.

2. A meeting was being held at 6:30 by the tennis club.

3. Sheba, the dog, was blocking the door.

4. Sheba was taken by Joanne to the doctor.

5. The vet was worried by her condition.

6. Joanne went home while the vet treated the dog.

7. Joanne was told by the vet to get out of the house.

8. Joanne was confused by the telephone call.

9. The burglar was captured by police.

10. His fingers were bitten off by the dog.

When finished correct these sentences, without the check option:Level 1: Directions: Change the sentences below to the passive voice.

  1. Children cannot open these bottles easily.

  2. The government built a road right outside her front door.

  3. Mr. Ross broke the antique vase as he walked through the store.

  4. When she arrived, the changes amazed her.

  5. The construction workers are making street repairs all month long.

  6. The party will celebrate his retirement.

  7. His professors were discussing his oral exam right in front of him.

  8. My son ate all the homemade cookies.

  9. Corrosion had damaged the hull of the ship.

  10. Some children were visiting the old homestead while I was there.


  1. The bottles cannot be opened easily by the children.
  2. A road was built right outside her front door by the government.
  3. The antique vase was broken by Mr. Ross as he walked through the store.
  4. She was amazed by the changes she saw when she arrived.
  5. The streets are being repaired all month long by the construction workers.
  6. His retirement will be celebrated by the party.
  7. His oral exam was discussed right in front of him by the professors.
  8. The homemade cookies were eaten by my son.
  9. The hull of the ship was damaged by corrosion.
  10. While I was there, the old homestead was visited by some children.

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