Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kapunscinski: A World Reporter

. The first half of this video greatly complements the audio clip from NPR after Kapuscinski's death. As I was hearing this clip and after I watched the clip, I immediately made a connection to Animal Farm by George Orwell. I probably made this connection because Kapuscinski was a reporter for communist Poland. At the time, the communist movement used the African chaos as propaganda for their own movement, yet Kapuscinski was able to portray the harsh realities without being censored.
. Another connection I made was to Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. This novel exposes the harsh realities of colonialism in Africa. Kapuscinki shows the turmoil experienced in Africa after the colonialist period, while Heart of Darkness shows what led to such dependence on colonialism by the Africa natives. Plus, Joseph Conrad has similar views towards colonialism as Kapuscinki. These views are completely pessimistic and negative towards colonialism. They often critisized the way Europeans handled the African population and left them with no tools to fend off for themselves once the colonial rule stopped.

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